The Reasons Why Most Nigerians Fail In Poultry Farming Business.
The tendency of the average Nigerian investor is to set up a business on a foundation beyond his experience because he sees others doing it. He starts a poultry farm as a large investment of capital and stock which will require immense amounts of energy and funds to maintain which may be beyond his capability. Some inexperienced investors have set up, misled by fantastic statistics which make them believe that poultry business is the quickest route to become a millionaire overnight.For example, i saw a thread at where a poultry promoter gave the impression that one can invest N500,000.00 in poultry and reap N5million in a year.This statistics is a deceit, misleading and an IMPOSSIBILITY in the present day Nigeria.Some starters rely on dubious statistics generated by some arm chair consultant.Some are attracted by the earning potentialities but give no thought to the other side of the coin. Nigerians are enthusiastic about poultry farming and many are going into it. This ...