
The Reasons Why Most Nigerians Fail In Poultry Farming Business.

The tendency of the average Nigerian investor is to set up a business on a foundation beyond his experience because he sees others doing it. He starts a poultry farm as a large investment of capital and stock which will require immense amounts of energy and funds to maintain which may be beyond his capability. Some inexperienced investors have set up, misled by fantastic statistics which make them believe that poultry business is the quickest route to become a millionaire overnight.For example, i saw a thread at where a poultry promoter gave the impression that one can invest N500,000.00 in poultry and reap N5million in a year.This statistics is a deceit, misleading and an IMPOSSIBILITY in the present day Nigeria.Some starters rely on dubious statistics generated by some arm chair consultant.Some are attracted by the earning potentialities but give no thought to the other side of the coin. Nigerians are enthusiastic about poultry farming and many are going into it. This

Understanding the Factors Behind Shoplifting in Retail Stores

Shoplifting is a persistent issue that affects retailers worldwide. It refers to the act of stealing merchandise from a store without paying for it, leading to significant financial losses for businesses. While shoplifting can occur in any retail establishment, understanding the reasons behind why it happens in specific stores can help businesses develop effective prevention strategies. That's why in this article, I'm exploring some of the key factors contributing to shoplifting in retail stores. 1. Economic Factors: a. Poverty : Individuals facing financial hardships may resort to shoplifting as a means to obtain essential items they cannot afford. The desperation caused by poverty can drive some individuals to steal out of necessity. b. Unemployment : High levels of unemployment can lead to increased shoplifting incidents as people struggle to meet their basic needs. A lack of stable income can push individuals towards theft. 2. Opportunity and Accessibility:

Key Characteristics Of Sociopath

I once heard that in Africa, Nigeria precisely, any ailment beyond the reach of medicine is often attributed to spiritual causes. sometimes it is not so. Sociopath , often referred to as Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD), is a complex and controversial mental health condition characterized by a persistent pattern of disregard for the rights of others, lack of empathy, and manipulative behavior. Individuals with sociopath, known as sociopaths or psychopaths, may exhibit a range of troubling traits and behaviors that can have profound effects on their own lives and the lives of those around them. It's important to note that while sociopath and psychopathy are terms often used interchangeably, they have subtle differences.  Key characteristics of sociopath include : 1. Lack of Empathy : Sociopaths have a profound inability to understand or share the feelings of others. They may be indifferent to the suffering they cause in others and show little remorse for their actions. 2. Man

What you should know about Incubus and Succubus

Did you know... INCUBUS: It is a demon that perches on top of sleeping people. In the past, what is known today as "Sleep Paralysis" is attributed to this, which is when you are asleep and you feel that someone is watching you, but you can't even speak or move, you try but you can't; You scream, you cry, but nobody listens to you. You even see everything that is around you, but you can't do anything. In the same way, not only do these demons paralyze you, but they act on you because of your fears, and absorb your energy through sexual intercourse and multiple orgasms, which the victim when waking up, does not remember anything, only feels extreme exhaustion. and you think you have had nightmares or erotic dreams. Some wake up with bruises on their bodies and bites. At the end of all this the person feels sad and bored. He feels that nobody loves him, he rejects himself, to the point that he tries to end his life. There are two types of demons: Incubus,

Things To Consider Before Drawing A Planogram

A planogram is a visual merchandising tool used in retail to optimize the arrangement of products on store shelves or displays. It's a strategic layout that helps retailers and Merchandisers showcase products in a way that maximizes sales, enhances the shopping experience, and ensures efficient use of space. By carefully arranging products based on factors like popularity, seasonality, and sales data, retailers can drive customer engagement, boost sales, and improve overall store aesthetics. Here are some tips to consider before creating a planogram for your store; 1. Product Selection: Choose the right mix of products based on sales data, trends, and customer preferences. 2. Store Layout: Understand the store's layout, shelving, and available space to optimize product placement. 3. Merchandising Strategy:  Determine how products will be organized (by category, brand, size, etc.) to guide customer flow. 4. Sales Data:  Analyze historical sales data to identify top-s

How to Build Warm Relationships with Potential Clients

One of the most daunting tasks in trying to grow a business is finding new clients. In today’s world, there is an abundance of technological resources and that have completely changed the sales process. Now that you can find plentiful information just by typing G-O-O-G-L-E into a keyboard, it is no longer acceptable to simply call someone up to pitch your business. Oddly enough, it can be difficult just to find a phone number (especially if you’re like me and are in the business of helping people create a business). But back to phone calls. No one wants to feel like they’re talking to a used-car salesman (though there’s nothing wrong with selling used cars), but that doesn’t mean there isn’t value in connecting early with a potential client. I am a huge proponent of getting on the phone with someone who may not need your help right now—because they might in the future. Forget the hard sell mentality. If you want to land someone as a client, the key is to focus on building a relation

7 Warm Up Tips In Presenting A Non-Sales Informative Speech

 The words "public speaking" causes fear and anxiety in the minds of the said competent and confident people. Does the thought of speaking in front of a group evoke fear, make you sweat, and get your heart pounding? It's likely you have glossophobia😂- the fear of public speaking. Glossophobia is one of the most common result of fears. There are many ways to increase business exposure so why bother to overcome your speaking jitters? Stepping up to the podium not only positions you as an expert in your area of business but it also provides effortless referrals and improved sales opportunities. Presenting a non-sales informative speech warms up your target market and builds trust. Unlike endless cold calls, the people you present to and follow up with are more receptive to listening to your offering of products and services. So I came up with the seven tips to follow judiciously in other to overcome your fear of public speaking and also boost your business: 1.