
Six Ways To Shuffle Career And Motherhood

I'm continually flabbergasted by the tornado of obligations and delights that accompany being a mother and having a profession. It's an excursion of development, learning, and some of the time staggering. I'll be quick to concede that I don't necessarily in every case have everything sorted out. There have been days when I've considered how different ladies appear to easily oversee both their vocations and parenthood while I battled to track down my balance, particularly when I previously entered the corporate world. In any case, through my excursion of experimentation, I've found important hints that assist me with exploring this fragile difficult exercise. I really accept that these tips can likewise help any vocation lady who is shuffling parenthood and expert yearnings. 😊Embrace the expectation to absorb information As a matter of some importance, it's vital for embrace the way that we as a whole are on an expectation to learn and adapt, and we don'

Is Your Business Idea Bankable? Proving Viability to Investors

Your business thought is great however is it bankable? The world is loaded up with groundbreaking business thoughts, yet the last ones we might at any point get to see are those that become business thoughts. The vast majority have a few respectable and phenomenal thoughts regarding how something should be possible better, quicker, or effortlessly. However, perhaps not every one of them will at any point follow up on their thoughts. What's more, in any event, for those that do, they should track down a way to subsidize it. However, in looking for financing or financial backers, you might hear a remark that sounds something like the title above, perhaps not as immediate. You might pitch to a possible financial backer or gathering of financial backers, just to be informed that while it is really smart, it does not merit putting resources into? Or on the other hand it isn't worth their time and energy. One way or another, it implies you have been informed that your thought isn'

The Power and Promise of Microenterprises in Nigeria

  microenterprises comprise a high 99.8% (41.4 million) of complete SMEs. The nation partakes in a high presence of private companies and this type of business prevails some other type of business in the country. Why would that be? The straightforward explanation that rings a bell is generally because of the many benefits of being independently employed or having a private venture. From a review led among entrepreneurs, freedom is the critical driver and this gives the benefit to business visionaries to work for themselves and be confident. This particular characteristic makes the all out monetary profit (100 percent) be that of the business person or the entrepreneur. Private company gives the administrator all out business control with no type of weakening from outer financial backers, which is a type of glory for the administrators as per the perspectives assembled from the study led. Definitely, this type of business is not difficult to set up and appreciates low or no serious admi

When Negotiating Salary, Follow these Rules

  Negotiating your salary can be stressful. You want to get what you deserve, but you don’t want to risk angering your current employer or the hiring manager in a new job. To increase your odds of succeeding, know what your skills and talents are worth and use our valuable negotiating tools below. Do’s Do your homework Research the salaries for positions comparable to yours. Know the high, median and low salaries for workers with your level of experience, skills and education. Also figure out salary ranges for similar positions at this particular company. Be realistic Be respectful with your salary expectation—don’t be overly aggressive. If you’re gracious and reasonable, your potential employer will be more willing to work with you. Try a figure in the mid to high range of the numbers you researched. Agree to take on more responsibility if your boss is generous, and vice versa: don’t take on more responsibility without additional compensation. Be confident Sell yourself! Confidence is

5 Ways to say you're Grateful to your Employees

As the year runs out, it’s time to stop and count our blessings, our losses and stuff our  Business. The past couple  of months have been quite challenging not only in Nigeria, but it's a global crisis. Nevertheless, there are plenty of things to be thankful for still. One of those things you should be grateful for is your hard-working team that has endured the same storms that you have and still stand by your side these many months later. The question now is, how do you show your team that you’re thankful for them? With how busy you can be every day, it can be challenging to go out of your way to express your gratitude as you should. To help you with that, here are some ideas for putting a spotlight on your employees this Thanksgiving: 1. Invite Them to Dinner Since it is the Thanksgiving season, show your team some gratitude by inviting them over for dinner. This doesn’t have to be on Thanksgiving Day, especially since team members likely have their own Thanksgiving p

"My wife placed me on N200k salary to be her husband for 8 years, but the contract has now expired"

The 36-year-old narrated how his wife, Cynthia, approached him and asked if he could act as her husband for eight years and offered to be paying him N200k salary throughout said period. According to him, his wife’s mother was on her neck to get married hence her reason for making such request of him. The man then accepted the deal, which placed on a salary of 200k with strict conditions he must meet throughout their marriage, like never to cheat on her, to also take care of all the house activities. Upon completing the 8 years, she said she would give him N5million but he must never come to claim the children after they must have divorced. He added that the children have grown big, three girls and one boy and he has fallen in love with the woman and he can’t bear to let go with the contract marriage coming to an end and despite the agreement they had in the past. Read what he said: ‘ ‘I was 36 years when I got this offer from a lady. She said she needed a guy that will be her husband f

Follow These Steps To Fabric Guide Your Uniforms

One of the most fundamental elements to consider while the choice of a uniform is the texture quality. With regards to garbs, it's clearly not insightful to make due with an unsatisfactory quality texture since you don't simply believe that the uniform should look great however ought to likewise feel better while wearing it. Whether it is a school uniform, or a corporate uniform or modern uniform, the texture quality makes the biggest difference, thus, to keep away from any misstep in choosing a uniform texture that provides food your necessities, you ought to make certain of what to search for in the textures. This texture guide discusses a portion of the center properties that you ought to think about in a uniform. The properties to search for in the uniform textures: Breathability Textures that are breathable work the best for outfits as they decrease the perspiration and deal with the dampness of your body. Going for explicitly a breathable texture is a savvy pick with rega