
Colour Blindness In Visual Merchandising

Color plays a pivotal role in visual merchandising by influencing customer perceptions and behaviors. However, it's crucial to recognize that not everyone experiences color in the same way. Color blindness affects a significant portion of the population, and considering this in your merchandising strategy ensures that your displays are accessible to all shoppers. Understanding Color Blindness Color blindness, or color vision deficiency, affects approximately 8% of men and 0.5% of women worldwide. The most common types are: Red-Green Color Blindness : Difficulty distinguishing between red and green hues. This is the most prevalent form. Blue-Yellow Color Blindness : Trouble differentiating between blue and yellow shades. Complete Color Blindness : Very rare, where individuals perceive no color at all. Why Color Blindness Matters in Merchandising In visual merchandising, color is often used to grab attention, convey information, and enhance the shopping experience. If you

The Role of Empathy in Keeping Customers

In the bustling heart of Lagos, where the city never sleeps, my store was a haven for many. But one day, the peaceful atmosphere was disrupted by a furious customer, Mrs. Adeola. Mrs. Adeola stormed into the store, her face flushed with anger. She had purchased a beautiful dress for a special occasion, but upon reaching home, she found a noticeable tear in the fabric. Her voice was loud and filled with frustration as she approached the counter. I could see the distress in her eyes, and I knew this situation needed more than just a quick fix; it needed empathy. I stepped forward with a calm demeanor and a warm smile. “ Good afternoon, ma'am. I’m really sorry for the inconvenience you’ve faced. Please, tell me what happened,” I said, inviting her to share her story. As she spoke, I listened intently, nodding to show that I understood her frustration. I didn’t interrupt; I allowed her to vent her feelings. After she finished, I could see a slight change in her expression – the first s

Set Up Your Profitable Morning Food Business in Lagos with Party Jollof Rice

Starting a food business in Lagos, especially targeting early morning workers, can be incredibly profitable. With countless people rushing to work and looking for quick, delicious meals to take along, you have the perfect opportunity to meet their needs. One of the best dishes to offer is the beloved smoky party jollof rice. Here's a detailed guide to help you get started. 1. Location : Get a small space at a busy junction, not necessarily a shop. 2. Equipment : Buy serving plates, spoons, forks, trays for serving, a wooden or plastic table, and four chairs. Get coolers and other essentials. 3. Cooking : Early in the morning, prepare a delicious smoky party jollof rice and start selling. Lagosians like me love good food, and nothing beats the taste of well-made party jollof rice. Why This Works : Early morning workers in Lagos are always rushing to work and looking for quick, delicious food to take along. Offering them a tasty, convenient option like party jollof rice c

How to Share Emotional Labor in Nigerian Marriages: Simple Solutions

Introduction In Nigerian marriages, taking care of everyone’s feelings and making sure the home runs smoothly is called emotional labor. This often includes remembering important dates, planning family events, and keeping peace in the family. When one person, usually the woman, does most of this work, it can cause problems. Here’s how to solve this issue using our rich Nigerian cultural heritage. What is Emotional Labor? Emotional labor includes tasks like: - Remembering birthdays, anniversaries, and traditional events. - Organizing family events like weddings, funerals, and cultural ceremonies. - Ensuring children are happy, respectful, and doing well in school. - Maintaining good relationships with extended family and in-laws. - Resolving arguments and keeping everyone happy and united. Problems Caused by Unequal Emotional Labor When one person does most of the emotional labor, it can lead to: - Resentment and frustration: The person may feel tired and unappreciated. - He

How to Manage Vendor Relationships Effectively in Nigeria's Current Economy

Nigeria's current economic situation is challenging. The economy faces issues like currency fluctuations, inflation, and supply chain disruptions. These problems can affect businesses and their relationships with suppliers. Here’s a simple guide to managing vendor relationships effectively in this tough economic climate. 1. Communicate Clearly - For instance, a shop in Lagos uses WhatsApp to communicate with suppliers. This helps them solve problems quickly and keep everyone informed. 2. Set Clear Agreements - For example, a building company in Abuja writes detailed agreements with their suppliers. This helps avoid misunderstandings and ensures both parties know their responsibilities. 3. Work Together - For example, a tech startup in Port Harcourt includes their software suppliers in planning meetings. This helps them work together to solve problems and create better products. 4. Pay on Time - For instance, a fashion shop in Lagos uses an automated system to pay their

How Digital Communication is Changing Family Life in Nigeria

Today, how we talk to each other has changed a lot because of technology. In Nigeria, where family is very important, these changes are seen clearly. Let's look at how tools like WhatsApp, Facebook, and video calls are affecting Nigerian families. Staying Close Even When Far Away Nigeria is a big country, and many people move to cities or even other countries for work or better opportunities. This often means being far from family. Digital tools like WhatsApp and Skype help us stay in touch. With video calls and instant messages, families can see and talk to each other no matter the distance. For example, grandparents in the village can regularly talk to their grandchildren who live in Lagos or abroad, helping them feel close despite the distance. Bringing Families Together Digital communication makes it easy to share daily life with family. Many Nigerian families have WhatsApp groups where they share updates, jokes, and make family decisions. These group chats act like

How New Ideas in Nigeria's Villages Are Using Technology and Local Resources to Succeed

Introduction In Nigeria’s rural areas, businesses are finding new and creative ways to succeed by using technology and local resources. These methods help improve life in these communities and make businesses more successful. Here’s how these innovations work in simple terms, with examples from specific cities and villages. 1. Better Farming with New Tools a. Smart Farming Using Technology: Farmers in Makurdi (Benue State) and Lokoja (Kogi State) use tools like GPS and drones to take care of their crops. They can get advice on farming, know the weather, and find out how much their crops might sell for. Benefits : This helps farmers grow more food and make more money. It also helps them sell their crops to people far away. b. Solar-Powered Watering New Watering Systems: In villages like Mubi (Adamawa State) and Damaturu (Yobe State), farmers use solar-powered machines to water their crops. These machines use sunlight to pump water. Advantages : This saves water and does